Calculate The Money You Can Save Using Our SCORES
This calculator shows how much money you can save with respect to an average player if you play games with SCORES of over 200. Default progressive jackpot contribution rate is set 1% for all casino games and 8% for bingo.
Games and Bets: Choose your game type (Slots, Roulette, Bingo,...) and bet size, plus other params and press "Calculate Your Save". We consider relatively fast gameplay - see the number of spins/hands/cards per minute in the drop-down Select menu.
Hours a Day: This is your average playing time per day.
Contribution: You can alter jackpot contribution rate. For most casino games the rate varies from 0.5% to 5.5% (typical value 1% - 2%), while Bingo games offer contribution rates from 6% to 12% or more (8% on average).
Min. SCORE: Set your minimum SCORE of the games you play. You can start playing games with a SCORE of 100, 200 or above and calculate your possible advantage. We consider you start playing a game with a minimum SCORE and play until somebody hits the jackpot. This way your average hit SCORE will be Min. SCORE + 100.
RTP Rise depends on jackpot contribution rate and your minimum SCORE. The figure shows an increase in your "return to player" percentage with respect to avg. player's one. If you play slots and see RTP rise of over +5%, the odds are probably in your favour!
With proper use our SCORE system will triple your jackpot odds. If you play the games with high SCORES your payouts will be 3x times higher (on average) than the ones of an average player. It looks like we triple your every win!
Play progressive games with the highest SCORES and maximize your Jackpot Odds.
The higher the SCORE, the higher the Odds, and the more money you can save and WIN! Check out Top SCORED games here.